Here are just a few pics of our
super cute baby girl!!! Brooklyn was born this morning at 11:25 and weighed in at a whopping
8 lbs 12 oz and is 20 inches long!! She has dark hair that isnt extremely long but it's there!
This was right after she was born and all the nurses were busy cleaning her off. Im pretty sure she has gregs feet!
Brooklyn really didn't like her first bath, she cried a lot
Here she is all cleaned up with a itty bitty little mowhawk and bows in her hair
Greg and his little girl, we love her so much all ready!
For those of you interested here are all the details. I had to be induced wednesday night, and by 9 o'clock i was all hooked up and ready to go. I went in having contractions every 2-5 mins but they weren't very strong at all. By 3 a.m. i was dilated to a 3 and was in a little more pain, but it wasn't too bad. Around 5:30 I was in so much pain, my contractions were so strong and coming every couple of minutes, my nurse kept asking me what my pain level was on a scale of 0-10, I told her a 7 because i wasn't sure how much worse it would get. By 6 a.m i was in so much pain but my nurses were getting switched out so i never got to tell them how bad it was and never got the chance to get some pain meds in my I.V. Finally at about 7 a.m. the new nurse came in and asked me what my pain level was at..i told her it was really bad and making me sick, so she decided to check me and I was at a 5. The nurse asked me what i wanted to do about the pain and she said people normally get the epidural around a 4. Well after about a half hour, this amazing man came in and gave me an epidural and i was pain free, it is the most amazing creation ever, I dont know how anyone can go through labor without it! After the epidural at 7:30 i was dilated to a 6. Greg left for a few mins to go shower and eat and 15 mins later they checked me and i was Dilated to a 9! It was amazing! By 10 o'clock i was all rested up from no sleep the night before and started pushing. After almost an hour and a half our sweet baby girl made her entrance! It was such a great experience, greg was such a good support, and now we have a beautiful daughter!