I can't believe how fast time is going by! Brooklyn is already
4 months old and she is growing up and developing
sooooo fast!!!! She loves playing on her tummy and looking up at everything! She has almost mastered the back to belly roll, and is close to finding her feet!!!! I can't believe how smart and how funny she is! Her new thing is to
constantly blow bubbles and gurgle and let out occasional
high pitched squeals! Brooklyn finally opened her fists up and now she grabs anything she can reach, which then goes straight to her mouth! She is
always happy and has a huge smile on her face, it makes my day when i just look at her and she gives me a huge grin! The last couple of months all she has wanted to do is
stand up and
sit up, she gets mad if you try to hold her like a baby! Some of her new things lately is to smile a
huge grin with her mouth closed..it makes me laugh so much because she looks
sooo goofy but
i love it! Another thing she loves is kicking herself back over your lap to look upside down, for some reason it fascinates her.

This week we started to give her rice cereal and....she
absolutely loves it!!!! I don't think she can get enough! At first she wasn't sure about the texture but after a few bites she was making all sorts of noises and diving for the spoon! She eats about
two little bowls of it before she acts like she doesn't want anymore

These are just a few random pictures that i threw in just for fun! She is getting so big and starting to get a few little rolls! We took her to the doc. last week and she is 25 3/4 inches long and 13 lbs 14 oz, so she is gaining about a pound and growing 1 1/2-2 inches a month!

This girl
loves the bathtub! I think she'd stay in it for hours if the water would stay warm for her! She goes crazy the minute she hits the water,
constantly kicking and splashing her arms! If we don't leave her in long enough she gets really mad when we take her out!
That is pretty much all that is new in our lives. I just started my last semester at BYU Idaho and Greg has submitted all of his law school applications, so now he just has to wait to get accepted!
One more thing that I forgot to mention, We need some serious help getting Brooklyn on a decent schedule so that I am not exhausted for my early morning classes! I have tried what seems like everything to get Brooklyn asleep at least before 11 and nothing has worked! She barely takes naps during the day, if we are lucky she will take maybe one or two 2 hr (at the most) naps a day, and then she is up smiling and talking until at least 12:30 at night or later!!! Once she is asleep though she sleeps throught the night, the problem is her staying up so late! I have tried starting to get her ready for bed as early as 9 and we are still up until almost one, so if any of you have any great tricks or tips let us know!!! (sorry for the huge post!)