The past few weeks have been really busy for us and that combined with the lack of an internet connection equals no blogging! A lot has happened since our last post...We went to Utah for conference; went to a Jazz game, I graduated from college, both of our families have been down to visit, we celebrated Easter, and I did the flowers for one of my best friend's wedding, just to name a few things.... Time has flown by! Right now we are both just working and enjoying the summer! I am LOVING being done with school forever and just being a mom and a wife!!! Brooklyn and I just play all day and go on walks...when it's not raining or snowing; it is great and so much fun!!! We only have three months left until we move to Florida and we can't wait!!! Here are pics of the past few weeks...beware there are lots of pictures, and they are in no particular order!
Brooklyn at 7 1/2 months!
Brooklyn and Grandpa Baxter..she kept staring at the Christus, it was really cute
Jake, Court, Greg, Karen, Brooklyn, Me, and Greg at the Idaho Falls Temple
Brooklyn has figured out how to give hugs and kisses!
Ryan and Courteney Wall!
Their Flower Cake
Tulip Centerpieces

Court's bouquet
*Graduation -I recieved both my Bachelors and Associates Degree*
Me, Brooklyn, and my Grandma Wolfley at graduation
My family at graduation! My brother DeeJay, my Uncle Greg, Grandma, my Mom, Me, Brooklyn, Greg, my brother Jake, and my Dad

President Clark and Elder Anderson at the Graduation Banquet
Brooklyn's first time playing with bubbles on Easter
Checkin' out the Easter goods
These pictures didn't quite turn out as planned..but we got some funny shots of Brooklyn for Easter!