Brooklyn has discovered the comfort of lounging on the couch while watching Winnie the Pooh
She seriously didn't move the entire movie!

I am LOVING being a Young Women's leader! It is so much fun and I love the girls that are in our ward! Last Tuesday for mutual we had a Spiritual Spa Night! We had a great lesson about Individual Worth and then did some pampering!
We had chocolate facials!
and then sugar scrubs and manicures!
I am LOVING being a Young Women's leader! It is so much fun and I love the girls that are in our ward! Last Tuesday for mutual we had a Spiritual Spa Night! We had a great lesson about Individual Worth and then did some pampering!
We had chocolate facials!
Our finished products
To cap off the fun we had these scrumptious and way cute cupcakes!
I love this dress! My aunt gave it to Brooklyn last year and it finally fit for Christmas this year!.JPG)
Brooklyn Loves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! She makes a HUGE mess every time she eats one, but as you can tell she loves it!
She likes to show off for the camera....
Brooklyn and Mom
Brooklyn and Dad dressed up as Joseph Smith (for a primary activity he helped with.)
A couple of weeks ago we went to walk on the beach!

It was a tad chilly but Brooklyn was snug as a bug all bundled up!
We found this cool jelly fish washed up on the beach
We love the ocean and can't wait for the weather to warm up so we can go and play!
We watched Brooklyn's friend Jackson one morning for a couple of hours and she had so much fun reading and playing with him!
They always give each other hugs, it is so cute!
Brooklyn finally figured out how to climb onto her airplane all by herself! She is so proud of herself and excited when she does it!
She still loves smiling for the camera. Her hair is finally getting longer and it is starting to get curly!We love it!
Well that pretty much sums up what has been going on in our life! We are loving the Florida "winter" now that the freezing temperatures have gone! It has been in the high 60's lately and it is great! We missed the snow for like a month, but we are totally over that now that the sun is shining and it feels like spring time! We love it here and love our life!