Time has been flying by these past few months and we have gotten so behind on blogging!! We cannot even believe that May is just about over!! This past month we have stayed super busy working, Greg finishing school for the summer, having family visit, and just having fun enjoying all that Florida has to offer!
A couple of weeks ago Greg bought Brooklyn her first basketball hoop! He has been dying to buy her one for a long long time! Brooklyn absolutely loves it! She loves to put the ball in the basket and then give it to us to shoot! She gets so excited and claps and cheers each time she makes a basket!

She learned how to make a basket super quick!

She will stand there and shoot over and over again!

Brooklyn's first pigtails! Her hair is finally long enough for them!

Brooklyn's classic "Silly Face" it makes us laugh so hard!

We've also had lots of pool parties with our friends! This is me with Brooklyn and her best little friend Evy Hayes

Brooklyn is obsessed with stealing people's shoes while at the pool. She will climb out of the water and run over and put on any pair of flip flops she finds!

Brooklyn and Evy

These two girls would always hold hands and walk around together! As soon as they'd see each other they'd grab each others hand and take off. It is so cute!

Showing off her big blue eyes!

She loves to sit in the laundrey basket and eat snacks while she watches Dragon Tails!

Brooklyn definitely has a personality! She is always making some sort of silly face when we take pictures of her!

The weather has been so perfect this month! We love going out for walks and being outside!

Of course we have spent many days hangin' out at the beach! This picture of Brooklyn and Evy was at a beach in St. Augustine! The water was about 75 degrees and the weather was perfect! You've gotta love Florida!

This is just a cute picture of Brooklyn! She has definitely transitioned from a baby to a little girl! We can't even believe how fast she has grown up and that she is almost 2!

So that pretty much sums up our life here in Florida! We love living here and love everything we are experiencing! Our life really couldn't be any better!