This summer has been busy, busy, busy for us! The first week of June Greg's entire family was able to come to Florida to go to Disney World for the first Baxter Family Reunion!! It had been such a long time since everyone had been together all at
once and it was such a fun trip!!!
A few days before Greg's family got here, we were able to spend a night in Daytona beach, and then headed down to Orlando for a head start on the vacation!! Thanks to some amazingly generous friends, we were able to use their timeshare and stay in a very nice and spacious condo at a resort in Orlando!
Brooklyn loved being on Vacation!

It was so nice to be able to relax and have absolutely nothing to do!

On Monday we headed off to Disney World! It was
every one's first time to visit!
Greg and his 3 younger brothers Sam, Zack, and Jacob

The view of the Castle from the Ferry
My favorite part of Disney World!

Brooklyn's very first ride at Disney World: The Carousel

One of our Favorite Rides!

Pirates of the Caribbean!

The Judge, Courtney, and Zack on one of our favorite rides Splash Mountain!

In between all the rides and parades the guys found time to squeeze in a game of checkers

There were so many fun parades and shows to watch!
Captain Hook and Mr.

My favorite: Beauty and The Beast

Brooklyn loved It's a Small world! It had so many awesome dolls and costumes to see!

She was too distracted to look at the camera!

Ever since I was a little girl I have wanted to go on the Dumbo ride!!! After waiting 45
mins. in line with a very impatient little girl, it was finally our turn!! The whole time Brooklyn kept laughing and say "Wee! Wee!" It was definitely worth the wait!

Brooklyn also got to drive her first race car!!! She was just the right height to go on this ride with Dad!

Uncle Sam and Brooklyn on Aladdin's Magic Carpet ride!

Zack and Jake on the magic carpet

Brooklyn, Dad, and Grandma

I love the castle! It changes colors once it gets dark!

The week we were there, Disney World started doing their Electrical Parade again! It was so fun to see all of our favorite Disney characters are lit up at night time dancing and singing in the street!

We didn't leave the park until Midnight! Brooklyn tried so hard to stay awake but finally she couldn't last any longer!

The second day of our trip we went to Hollywood Studios! It was
definitely different than Magic Kingdom but it had a lot of fun shows to see and parades to watch!

We all loved the Tower of Terror!

This girl loves Winnie the Pooh

And her Uncle Zack! This trip was the first time
Brooklyn got to meet Uncle Zack! He was in Russia on his mission when she was born!

We could not have left Disney World without getting her a souvenir for her first trip! She loves these little princess dolls! She carries them all around the house and shares them with the boys at church!

On the 3rd day of Disney World we were determined to find Winnie the Pooh and get a picture with him! Luckily we found him right as we got there and hurried and jumped in line!
Brooklyn loves Winnie the Pooh more than anything on the Planet!! She went crazy when she saw him and Tigger! We couldn't put her down because she kept trying to cut through the line to get to them. She was kicking and screaming the entire time in line!

Then magically she saw she was next and started laughing and smiling! We put her down and she took off running to them! At first she hugged Tigger, then pushed him aside and dove to Pooh!

She was pretty much speechless! She just kept smiling and trying to hug and kiss them! It was exactly the reaction we were hoping she'd have!

She was doing everything she could to get past Greg and into Pooh's arms!

She finally took 2 seconds to look at me so I could get a good picture!

Brooklyn and I in front of the castle

Our little family

Dad and Brooklyn

All tuckered out!
We all had so much fun! Disney World is really is the happiest place in the world!! It was so magical and exciting, you couldn't help but to feel like a little kid again!! We had a great time spending all week with Greg's family and are so grateful for the awesome vacation Greg's parents planned for all of us! We can't wait for the next reunion!