Time has been going by way
too fast and I have gotten
sooo behind with blogging! We have been going non-stop this past month and done
tons of fun things! Here are a bunch of pictures to re-cap what has been going with us the last month!!
Florida really doesn't have a fall season to enjoy, but they do have some fun football games to go!

Brooklyn loved her first game

favorite part was the cheerleaders! She loved trying to jump and kick like them

Spaghetti face!

Brooklyn has discovered the Disney Princesses! She
loves to dress up and has a particular fondness for Snow White and Belle.

Speaking of Snow White, Brooklyn loves to
imitate a certain dwarf..Betcha can't guess who?

Some friends of ours invited us to their church's Fall Carnival! It was lots of fun and the best part was that it was all
free! Brooklyn even sat still to get her face painted!

Brooklyn and Mom

See my flower?

And Brooklyn had her
very first pony ride!

She loved it! She kept waving and smiling the entire time! The lady helping said she was a natural!

In between all the
festivities, we've taken time to read a few good books as well!

And the
best thing about living in Florida? The
Beach of course!
We had a sleepover with the young women at a condo on the beach so I finally got to see the sunrise over the ocean!

We love beach days

Brooklyn and one of her best friends Jackson

They give each other huge hugs
every time they see each other!

Her say "CHEESE" face

This is Brooklyn's best friend Kenna! She loves her and talks about her every day!

Brooklyn's not the only one that gets to have fun and play with her friends...This semester we have started doing Crafty Friday and these are a few of the fun things we have made!!
(which Brooklyn loves & insists on saying "goodnight kumpin" to every night)

And cute
Halloween Wreaths found
This past month was also Brooklyn's
first primary program! She got to go up front during church and sing "Follow the Prophet" and clap her hands. She did great!

All ready for church

For her birthday Brooklyn got a set of princess shoes, which she wears
every single day! Jackson thought it'd be cool to wear them too! At least he picked the blue ones!

They sat on her bed laughing and kicking their legs...it was pretty cute!

And these pics just made us laugh. She
loves to wear hats

and pose for pictures!

So that pretty much sums up what we have been up to! Greg is more than half way through this semester and I am just staying busy hanging out with Brooklyn and all of our friends that we have here! Another great thing about Florida is that while most of our friends and family are inside avoiding the chilly weather, we are having fun and enjoying our 80+ degree weather in October! Jealous aren't you?