This summer has been busy busy busy for us! At the end of May, Greg headed to New Jersey for the summer for a Judicial Internship. A few days later Brooklyn and I boarded the plane and flew across the country to Oregon to stay with Greg's family for the summer!
We have been super busy with friends and family and have been having a blast. The summer is going by SO fast! Here is what we have been up to the last couple of months!
Ready to get on the airplane

We flew into Portland to meet Greg's parents and then drove to Salem to visit Brooklyn's Great Grandma and Grandpa Nicolaysen.
Great Grandpa bought Brooklyn a pass to ride the carousel, she was in heaven!

Grandma Baxter and Brooklyn

Every time she came around she would wave and yell "Hi!"

Papa and Brooklyn took a spin in the wagon

We had a lot of fun

Brooklyn with Great Grandpa and Grandma Nicolaysen

The next day we walked around the Portland temple while we waited for Grandma and Grandpa to attend a wedding.

She LOVES temples and always talks about getting married in the temple and having a princess dress! It is pretty cute.

The Portland Temple

On the way back to Baker we stopped at a fish hatchery and let Brooklyn feed all of the fish. She thought it was awesome!

One morning we woke up early and tried to go catch Thumper, the wild bunny that lives in grandma and grandpa's backyard.

after a bowl full of carrots...we came this close to petting him!

Grandma had these cute froggy rain boots as part of her spring decorations. Who knew they would be a perfect fit for her little feet? Needless to say grandma is going to need a new pair of rain boots!

While we have been here we have had lots of fun baking,

Picking beautiful lilacs,

and painting masterpieces.

And when the weather is warm we take walks and play at the park.

Since Brooklyn was a baby, we have wanted to take a picture of her by this sign at the elementary where Greg went to school!

We also have discovered Brooklyn's obsessed with motorcycles!

Gotta love sidewalk chalk!

What is summer without a trampoline and popsicles?

and family picnics at the lake?

We can't believe this beauty is almost 3!

After a few weeks in Oregon we ventured to Wyoming to spend a few days with my family.
Uncle DeeJay and Brooklyn had fun feeding the elk.

and we had even more fun catching up with our good friends the Fowlers!

While we were in Wyoming we got an updated 5 generation first-born girls picture taken.

We also got to see lots of family at the Clark reunion. Here is a picture of my Great Aunt, Great Grandma, and Grandma.

Remember how I said Brooklyn was obsessed with motorcycles? My Uncle Greg spoiled her and took her on rides to fill her little heart's content.

Brooklyn loved these girlies. They were so nice and played with her all day long. It was fun seeing all of our family that we don't get to see very often!

After our trip to Wyoming, we went to Rexburg for a couple of days! We haven't been back since we moved to Florida!
The beautiful Rexburg Temple

While we were there we stayed at my sister-in-law Courtney's apartment. Brooklyn quickly became best friends with one of her roommates Mikayla! They were so cute together!

On our way back to Oregon we stopped in Pocatello to visit some of our best buds Tennille and Shaef from Jacksonville! Brooklyn was SOOO excited to see Shaef again!

July brought along with it my 24th birthday! 24! I can't believe it, I feel pretty old.

My beautiful sister-in-law Court and me

For the 4th of July weekend everyone but Greg was home to celebrate. Brooklyn was Miss America for church on Sunday

While everyone was home for the weekend we took a drive into the mountains

The girls: Veronica, Courtney, Me, and Nicole at the lake

The morning of the 4th we started out with the traditional 4th of July breakfast. Somber Brooklyn led out in The Pledge of Allegiance. Not once cracking a smile.

Brooklyn with Aunt Courtney, Nicole, and Uncle Zack eating breakfast

After breakfast we hit up the parade! She was proud of the little flag and bracelet she was given!

To cap off the day we had sparklers...

and fireworks!

We love the 4th of July!

We have had lots of time to make fun crafts! Brooklyn loved making paper towel butterflies.

She was pretty proud of them!

Now that it is finally heating up over here, Brooklyn has been having fun splashing around in her pool!

it's a rough life..but somebody's gotta do it!

In 3 weeks we fly out to New Jersey to see Greg and drive back to Florida!
We have missed him so much, but we are really proud of all of the hard work and dedication he is putting into his future law career! Thanks to Greg's family and mine, we are having so much fun out here, that time really is flying by!