I have been really bad at blogging lately, so here are a bunch of pictures of what we have been up to the last few weeks!

Brooklyn loves to help cook!

and she LOVES her new robe that I got at a consignment sale for $3.

She is really into taking pictures and saying CHEEEESEY WEEEESEY!

She thinks she has figured out how to take off her pj's...she usually gets her shirt this far then walks around saying she is Santa Claus

While Courtney was here visiting, she watched Brooklyn so we could go on a date! We went to the beach, had dessert and played cards

Before Greg started up school again, we made a trip to the zoo

I LOVE this picture!

Brooklyn was pretty excited to see the black jaguar so close!

and she's obsessed with all the money in this fountain

Can you see that tiny little scratch on the bumper? Well that little scratch kept us in the zoo parking lot for over 2 hours and called upon the services of THREE different police cars! Needless to say we left with the apologies of the officers and one mad crazy lady still sitting there yelling at the cops for not writing a damage report.

Since I have been pregnant, Brooklyn thinks she needs to show her baby bump in the majority of her pictures

Greg on his LAST first day of school EVER!!!

For a couple of weeks this is what we would wake up to..I guess she didn't want to leave anybody out

Before the end of the season we made out to a Jacksonville Suns game!

We even saw Elvis!

Brooklyn's highlight was seeing the mascot

Our traditional family picture after the game

I have been waiting for the moment when I could take a picture and think "I can't wait to show this to your boyfriend!" Well this is the picture that will be waiting for the lucky guy!

Meanwhile we have done lots of swimming! Since this picture she doesn't need the floaty suit anymore! She just jumps in and can swim!

Feeling pretty'n'pink. She picked out this outfit, including the shoes that are a size too small. She wore them all day. I guess pain really is beauty to her.

And we had a girls night! A bunch of us went to Taco Lu's for dinner

and then to the movie The Help. It was a blast, and one of the best moves I had seen in a while!
and that sums up the last few weeks!