So October is my favorite month, and that makes Halloween one of my favorite holidays! That being said, in our house Halloween is more of a month long celebration rather than just one night! That should explain the mega amount of pictures in this post!
One Saturday morning a few friends got together and made these cute little decorations.

Our friends Jake and Suzanne hosted a pirate themed Murder Mystery dinner.
This was my attempt at a treasure chest cake.

I forgot to take pictures most of the night, but here is some of the group

I can't remember our character names, but we had lots of fun!

Brooklyn and I also made a few projects!
This time we made a skeleton out of Q-tips

She thought he was awesome

Of course no Halloween is complete without cookies!

We made 3 different kinds to take around to our neighbors and friends

Brooklyn loved cutting out the shapes!

The only problem with making so many sugar cookies, is having to frost and decorate them all. Luckily Greg is super fast at frosting!

Brooklyn loved it, but she mostly frosted cookies for herself

The finished products!

Every year we make caramel apples and carve pumpkins

She was pretty excited to eat one

with or without the added gooey-ness

While the apples were setting up, we carved our pumpkins!

and Brooklyn painted hers

It is a very serious process

And after all of that hard work here are the masterpieces:
Brooklyn's work of art

And our pumpkins- Mickey Mouse (per Brooklyn's request) and a Haunted House.
Somehow they always look cool once you put the candle inside, even if you seriously messed up the pattern!

To keep the festivities going, we had our ward's Trunk-or-Treat party.
Greg had the bright idea to dress up like a pregnant woman...which resulted in him winning the Creepiest Costume award

Brooklyn picked her costume this year, she was so excited to be a pink witch! Brooklyn and Londyn were inseparable at the party!

Our awesome family

Our trunk, ready for the Trunk-or-Treat to start

I love this age! This was the first year she understood the concept of Halloween and trick-or-treating and she was so excited!

Handing out the candy! I won the Scariest Costume award, which was pretty fitting since I scared one little boy away from wanting any more candy and made another little boy cry when he saw me.

Brooklyn was a pro at going from trunk to trunk

This just makes me laugh.

Towards the end Brooklyn got her favorite missionary, Elder Sauni, to run races with her. She kept yelling "Come on misumnary, run!"

One last shot of the two witches

and the crazy prego lady

Sporting her spooky shirt on Halloween

we even made a cute ghost clippy!

And right after those pictures she ended up getting the flu. The poor girl couldn't even keep water down, so we said no trick-or-treating this year. Brooklyn was so sad and would cry every time she would get sick. Every single time after she'd throw up she'd say "I'm all better, time for Halloween!" Towards the end of the night she hadn't thrown up and kept asking to go, so we ended up taking her!
She was thrilled to dress up one more time

We went to a little neighborhood by our complex and had so much fun. All the houses were decorated and people sat out in their driveways handing out candy.

One cute house had a little spook ally set up. They had different game stations and places to take pictures with fun props.

We all loved it!

After a few houses we went to walk her up to another door and she yelled "No! You guys stay here!"

then proceeded to the door all by herself.

Who needs their parents when you are 3 anyways?

After walking the entire neighborhood she was finally tired and ready to go home. We are so glad that we took her out! She didn't get sick once and we all had so much fun!

After the ward party and then trick-or-treating, she had quite the loot!

Now onto more holiday celebrations!