We have been keeping busy and having lots of fun this past month! Time sure is flying by; these girls are getting bigger by the minute!
Brooklyn loves to paint and do fun projects. I saw this mess free painting idea on Pinterest and had to try it. She loved it!
Brooklyn thinks it is pretty funny to dress Bostyn up
Just a quick picture after church one day
These two LOVE the bathtub! They are both little fish when it comes to water.
We took a trip to the zoo a few weeks ago. It was Bostyn's first time and she slept the entire time, but we still had fun!
In front of the zoo
All of the animals were all up and so close to the glass that day. Brooklyn was so excited to be so close to them!
Brooklyn has become quite the photographer and she loves taking pictures!
We love the huge plants
and of course the elephants.
Greg has been busy finishing up his LAST semester of law school! In the meantime we have been sending out these pretty little things-Resumes! I can't believe we are just about finished.

Bostyn at 4 weeks old! I could stare at her chubby little face all day long.
A couple of weeks ago we decided to let Brooklyn get some Goldfish! I can't look at this picture without laughing so hard-she was so excited about them.
She lovingly named them Mom, Dad, and Bostyn fish. Sadly they all died within a few days (we probably shouldn't have let her carry the bag.)
Meanwhile, we have been making some awesome Mickey Mouse pancakes. She loves anything remotely related to Disney World. She is going to be so excited when we surprise her with a trip there in May before we move!
We sure love this cute baby
and we can't believe how grown up this girl is!
Brooklyn has quite the imagination! Greg was unloading the dishwasher, so she grabbed the frying pan and the roll of paper towels and came out of the kitchen yelling "Look Mom! I'm Tangled!!" It was pretty funny.
2 months old already!
We have yet to capture a Sunday picture with Bostyn awake or not crying, but they are still adorable!
We love these two girlies!
Don't you want to just kiss those cheeks?
Don't worry, we've got it covered!