Hey Everyone! We are finally all moved into our apartment and have our internet working, so now we can blog!! First of all, we LOVE Florida! We got here on the 28th and have been loving every minute of it! Jacksonville is a lot different than we expected, but it has been great so far! Everything is super green and there are tons of trees and palm trees everywhere! Greg's family flew down to Florida with us and then stayed for a week to help get us all settled in! It is pretty hot and humid down here, but not as bad as we expected! Here are a bunch of pictures from our first few days here in Florida!
Greg and Brooklyn in the airport

On the plane: Brooklyn was sooo good and just sat there and played or slept

Flying over Florida


Downtown Jacksonville

Jax Beach: Were only 10 miles away!

The huge pier at the beach

They were smiling for a picture and got hit by a wave

Chillin on the beach

Brooklyn loves playing in and crawling all over the sand

Right before the afternoon storm rolled in and we had to leave

Our new license plate, we are official Florida residents now!