The Mr. & Mrs.

The Mr. & Mrs.

Little Miss #1

Little Miss #1

Little Miss #2

Little Miss #2

The Little Mister

The Little Mister

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Easter this year was so much fun!! Brooklyn was old enough to participate on all of the activities and traditions, and she loved every minute of it!!
She loved coloring Easter Eggs!
She thought the dye was the coolest thing ever, she couldn't keep her hands off of it!Brooklyn had to hold every single egg as we took it out of the dye! She would get so excited to when she saw all the different colors and yell "oooh oohh ve'ee pree!"She loved all of the eggs and got so mad when we were finished!
The final product Easter morning we hid candy eggs and a few other things around the house for her to find! This was her first egg; if you look closely you can see her cheeks stuffed with the candy!
She got so excited every time she would see a new egg!
She was a little bit scared to reach this one, but she eventually let go of Greg and reached out to get it!Brooklyn and Dad!Finding the traditional chocolate bunny!Showing off the goods!
Later on in the afternoon we watched conference with a bunch of friends, and had a group Easter egg hunt!
She found soo many eggs!It was so fun watching her run around and stop to pick all of the eggs!
Mom and Brooklyn after we found all the eggs
She couldn't resist staying out of her Easter Basket

Gotta love sticky blue suckers!

Taking a nap with her Easter Duck

Showing off her pretty Easter dress from Grandma and Grandpa Merritt!

She loved wearing this dress, and everyone at church called her a little princess!

Everything is going great for us in Florida! The weather has been so nice and warm the last month!! It is definitely wierd to not be freezing and still have snow outside, but we are quickly getting used to it!

Greg only has a few more weeks left of school and Kacey has started working at 1-800 Flowers twice a week! Brooklyn is growing up so fast and is learning something new everyday!! She loves animals, reading, swimiming, climbing up on everything, playing with her stuffed animals, coloring, playing outside, and soo many other fun things!! She is definitely not a baby anymore!!


Carrie Fowler said...

Hey! I have been waiting for a new post! I love all of the pictures, you guys all look good and I love to see what you have been up too!

Karen Whyte said...

Brooklyn is getting so big and so dang cute! It's fun to read about all the fun you guys are having in Florida! I'm Jealous! Glad to see you are all doing well!

Brad and Audrey said...

Brooklyn is sooo cute! And you look really good too! I am getting so nervous about law school, we need to talk again soon!