These are just some pictures that I took for Brooklyn's 2 year old photo shoot! She loves to pose and have her pictures taken!! These pictures totally show her awesome little personality and we think she is pretty stinkin' cute to boot!

Here are a few facts about Brooklyn!
Weight: 27 pounds 48 percentile
Height: 36 inches 98 percentile
She loves:
to run and play
sing primary songs and do the actions
watch Disney princess movies
play with her dolls
jump really high
help mom cook
play with her friends
read books
dress up
say her prayers
go swimming
copy what mom and dad say
going to the park and zoo
play with her puzzles
and many many more things!
Brooklyn has grown up so fast!! It is crazy to look at her and see a little girl and not my baby anymore!! It amazes me how smart and talented she is! Not a day goes by that she doesn't do something or say something that completely surprises us!! She is talking like crazy and is so stinking funny! We laugh at her everyday!! We love her so much and couldn't have asked for a more perfect little girl!! Being her mom is the best thing in the world!