To start off the Easter season we had a fun play group at Tennille's house making Easter decorations and these cute bunny rice krispie treats!

Then we got to go to our ward's Easter-egg hunt for the primary kids! They had a cute lesson on why we really celebrate Easter and then the kids got to frost cookies and color Easter pictures.
She was so proud of her cookie!
Brooklyn and her pals Jonah and Jackson
After all the activities it was finally time for the egg hunt. She was so excited to use her basket and find the eggs!
Brooklyn and Jackson making a mad dash for the eggs
Showing off the goods
She was pretty excited!
The week before Easter we were in charge of playgroup! We went to a nearby park to play, color eggs, and have treats!
Brooklyn and her friends Benny and Ezra
gotta love Kenna and Jacksons' faces when I told them to smile
Busy coloring away!
Jonah was pretty proud of his eggs
I couldn't resist putting up a picture of cute baby Sam. Brooklyn adores him!
Me and Brooklyn with her classic "say cheese" smile
Kenna didn't want to stop and smile she was having so much fun!
Some of the kiddos munching on treats after a hard day of dying eggs and playing in the sunshine! Thanks to everyone for coming and having fun with us!
After all these fun celebrations it was time for Easter morning. She was so excited to get to look for more eggs!
I love this picture...I am pretty sure she is thinking "Hmmm where could they be now?"
This one was just "too high" so we enlisted the help of Dad to reach it.
Dad and Brooklyn showing off the Easter loot.
Before church I tried taking some pics of Brooklyn in her Easter dress...this is what I got.

she said she looked like a princess

and I thought so too. She is adorable.

Mom and Brooklyn before church. We didn't even think to snap a family picture.

After church a bunch of our friends got together for dessert and a little egg hunt for all the kids.
Jackson made me smile all decked out in his snazzy vest and aviators.
Cute little Miley kept trying to steal Brooklyn's eggs every time she wasn't looking
All the kiddos...try getting a picture of all 8 of them looking at you when they have a basket full of candy.
best friends
We had a lot of fun celebrating Easter and creating new traditions for our family. And of course none of this would be possible without the atonement of our Savior, Jesus Christ, for which we are eternally grateful.