The Mr. & Mrs.

The Mr. & Mrs.

Little Miss #1

Little Miss #1

Little Miss #2

Little Miss #2

The Little Mister

The Little Mister

Friday, September 9, 2011

Brooklyn's 3rd Birthday!

Brooklyn turned 3 on September 4th!
She was SOOO excited for her birthday this year!! Every day she would say "Oh is that for my party?" "Is that for my birthday?" She could not wait to finally be 3!

Sunday morning before church she woke up and saw the balloons and birthday banner. She was so happy.
We let her open a few presents before church
She was so excited!
Grandma Baxter made her this fun princess cape. She loves to dress up!
Her breakfast request was pink pancakes with chocolate chips
After church she got to open one more present before lunch. Brooklyn LOVES Disney Yahtzee!
After a nap and dinner it was time for more presents!
Aunt Courtney got to be here to celebrate with us
We just so happened to have the missionaries, Elder Sauni and Elder Lucas, over for dinner, and they stayed to celebrate as well
More presents!
Since Monday was Labor Day and her friends didn't have school we had her Tangled Party! She talked for months about having a Tangled doll cake, and she loved it!
Pascal cupcakes and Rapunzel
The decorations
One of our games: Pin the frying pan on Flynn Rider
Brooklyn and a few of her friends eating lunch. Gotta love all those cute blondies!
Then it was time for the games! The kids LOVED this game. Brooklyn's the only one that tried to cheat and peak under the blindfold.
and of course Duck-Duck-Goose!

After the games we sang Happy Birthday and had cupcakes and icecream
Then it was time for presents. All the kids always love this part!
Brooklyn and her friends! Poor little Kennett on the left was so stinking shy, but I love her little pouty face while everyone else is smiling!
Family pic!
Mom and the birthday girl
and my two cheezers!
Even after her birthday was over, she kept getting cards and gifts in the mail. She thought it was awesome!
Brooklyn definitely got spoiled by all of her grandparents and friends! She had a great birthday and has still been talking about it days later!


Stephanie C. said...

Happy birthday Brooklyn! I can't believe it's been three years since you guys brought her home and we could hear her little baby cries in your apartment. :)

Marianne and Matt said...

What a fun party! I can't believe she is 3. she is such a cute girl. Glad to see you guys are doing well.