The Mr. & Mrs.

The Mr. & Mrs.

Little Miss #1

Little Miss #1

Little Miss #2

Little Miss #2

The Little Mister

The Little Mister

Monday, December 26, 2011

December so far...

While Greg was busy with finals we took a trip or two to the zoo
She loves playing on these huge statues
It was finally a cool day in Florida, so we had to bundle up!

Looking at "Pumba" and his warthog family

Time for a little afternoon snooze

She loves to play on this alligator!

Because we love the zoo so much, we decided to make one more trip before the baby comes!

Stopping by one of our favorites, the giraffes.
Brooklyn loves to ride carousels! Since this was going to be one of our last trips, I surprised her and let her ride it!
She was so happy!
No matter how many times we have come, we always love the zoo!
These two have spent quality time bonding over some Mario Kart. She just holds an extra controller, but she really gets into it and thinks she is playing and get so excited when they win!
Just a cute pic of her all ready for church!
While Greg was taking finals we ventured out to the park.
I can't believe how old she looks in these pictures
Brooklyn LOVES to swing!
This has been a regular pose in our household. Just about everyday she tells me to feel her baby kick and that her back hurts. It's pretty funny.
One of the Christmas ornaments we made for our families this year! Brooklyn had fun finding all the tiny little shells for them.
I love how she falls asleep, it is so cute!
Our complex had a breakfast with Santa day and Brooklyn was so excited to see him!
One of our family traditions is to make Christmas suckers. We made a ton this year!
But Brooklyn didn't mind one bit!
We ended up giving most of them away to our neighbors and friends, we really didn't need 160 suckers!
Brooklyn was supposed to be in bed when I peeked in and she had the light on reading to her Minnie.
It was so sweet to watch her snuggle up and read her a story
On my due date, which is now long come and gone!
This past week we took a trip to St. Augustine to visit the Winter Wonderland. Brooklyn loved this little elf village! She ran from house to house having so much fun.

Next to the elf village was Santa!
Even though she had already sat on his lap a couple of times, she was still so excited to run up there and tell him what she wants for Christmas.

We stopped and watched the ice skaters for a little bit, and now Brooklyn has talked about going skating every day since!
Every few hours it would start "snowing"
Brooklyn thought it was awesome!
Brooklyn and her friend Kennet, our neighbor from upstairs.

It was a fun place to visit to get in the Christmas spirit, in this 80 degree weather!
Instead of ginger bread houses, this year we made a ginger bread tree.
She was a pro at decorating it...
and sneaking the candy.
Our finished product
And finally the latest prego pic at 41 weeks! Thanks to my Dr. going on vacation we have a few more days til we get to meet this baby!


Stacey said...

I can't believe you're so far past due. I was late with most of mine, but I can't imagine that long. Good luck with everything!

Call Commotion said...

I have some adorable pictures of Brooklyn and Shaef at their 1st sleepover....I need to get them to you!! I also need to see that baby again soon!!!