The Mr. & Mrs.

The Mr. & Mrs.

Little Miss #1

Little Miss #1

Little Miss #2

Little Miss #2

The Little Mister

The Little Mister

Friday, March 30, 2012

Valentines Week!

Before I forget, I thought I better write about Valentine's Day! We had a fun Valentine's week thanks to Greg and all of our friends!

Since Greg had school on actual Valentine's Day, he surprised us with flowers, pizza, candies, and cake a few days before! We were pretty excited, and Brooklyn especially loved the flowers!
and of course the cake.
I love February not only because of Valentine's Day, but because our anniversary is two days later!
Happy 5 years!
An attempt at an after church picture
We also had a Valentine's party with all of our friends. Brooklyn wanted to make them all big heart cookies!
Brooklyn's hair is getting so long, it has been so fun trying out new hair styles on her.
Ready to party!
Making candy necklaces at the party. She insisted on wearing this helmet the entire time.
Brooklyn and all of her friends!
Not only is this picture so cute, but so are their names- Brooklyn, Bostyn, and Londyn
Our two cute Valentine girlies!
Showing off their Valentine's loot! Thanks Grandmas!


Courtney said...

I just love that she wore that helmet! That is so cute, and her hair is getting SO long.