The Mr. & Mrs.

The Mr. & Mrs.

Little Miss #1

Little Miss #1

Little Miss #2

Little Miss #2

The Little Mister

The Little Mister

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Fall Fun!

The last week in September we found out that Greg PASSED the Bar Exam!! We were so so so excited to see his name on that list, and so thankful and relieved too! 

Since his Dad is a judge, he was able to swear Greg in, which was really cool to watch!

 Officially a lawyer!
 They sure love their dad. 
 Our family!

 We are all so proud of Greg and all of his sacrifices and hard work!
 Bostyn loves to run around in her diaper. It is just about World War III to try and get her dressed.
 She LOVES to dance! Anytime music plays, or Brooklyn starts singing, she'll stand at this toy and shake her little tush. 
 Our friends Jay and Brittani were up in Oregon visiting their family. Jay had just passed his correctional officer training so we decided to throw him and Greg a little surprise party. 
Pattie is one of our best family friends! Greg loves ice cream cakes, so Pattie and her sister Daralee made this for him.
 I think they were both surprised and happy to be celebrating!
 Greg and Daralee.
 These girls are just a few hours apart! It was so fun watching them interact with each other.
 But it was almost impossible to get a picture of them!
 I wanted to do something fun for Brooklyn to keep her entertained during General Conference this year, so I made her a conference basket. Each time one of the Apostles spoke she got to pick out the prize with their face on it. 
 She really loved watching for the matching faces, and she did so great watching all four sessions!
 In between conference sessions, we made a quick trip to the park to burn some energy off. Bostyn LOVES to swing.

 Brooklyn's favorite toy is the Merry-Go-Round. 
 No matter where we go, Brooklyn always manages to make a friend. I love that she is so friendly and likes to meet new people.

 Showing off her Play-Doh fingernails!
Always smiling... 
 Unless your sister is hugging you to death.
 Brooklyn loved playing soccer this year!
 Bostyn loved watching, as long as she had snacks.
 Our little soccer girl!
 Grandma Nicolaysen decided to head to Utah too! She stopped in Baker on her way out so we could say good bye to her! We sure will miss seeing her in Oregon.
 Jake got a batman costume for his birthday. Luckily for Brooklyn he loves to dress up too, so they made quite the pair!
 According to Brooklyn this is her "Tinkerbell, Super Why, Batgirl" look.
 Matching jammies! 
We love October and getting to make fun Halloween crafts.
She loved making these hand print spiders! 
 Bostyn decided that she was finished eating baby food. She will only eat the food that we eat, and she is loves it!
 We had some great people in the ward offer to let us go to their pumpkin match to get our pumpkins this year! 
It was our first time actually going to a real patch!

 Brooklyn found the perfect pumpkin to pick!
 Bostyn wasn't so sure about the big pumpkins though....
 But Brooklyn found her the perfect size.
We were still in Baker during Pep Night at the high school. Uncle Jake won Homecoming King and Brooklyn was so excited for him!
So were these two.
 Another favorite thing about fall is getting to go to football games! We even got to see Jake walk out during half time as Homecoming King.

 Brooklyn loves to make crafts. She was so excited to make this ghost for Grandma's tree.
We sure love October!


Stephanie C. said...

Congrats Greg! What an accomplishment!

BrittandJay said...

Pretty sure you guys should just move back to Rexburg ;) It was so good to see you guys!!