The Mr. & Mrs.

The Mr. & Mrs.

Little Miss #1

Little Miss #1

Little Miss #2

Little Miss #2

The Little Mister

The Little Mister

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Brooklyn's First Christmas

This was Brooklyn's first Christmas and she had sooo much fun getting spoiled to death by all of her grandparents, aunt, uncles, and of course us! She really hit the jackpot this year! Brooklyn was one of the last ones awake Christmas morning, but she loved it all! When we would put a present in front of her, her eyes would get huge and she'd get soooo excited! She got so many books and clothes and fun toys to play with! I guess the excitement was too much for her to handle because shortly after we started opening presents she conked out! It was a really fun day and we just hung out and lounged around all day!


Brad and Audrey said...

Hey Kacey! Fun hair! Isn't baby's first Christmas so fun! Brooklyn looks so cute! She is a perfect mix of you and Greg! Carter is getting huge too! He is crawling and climbing all over things! Hope life is going good in Idaho! At least Greg is done with school now!

JeNnA said...

fun update. loos like you had fun at christmas time. brooklyn is adorable!

Michael, Rochelle, Paityn, Hunter, Briley, Wyler & ? Stucki said...

Hey i cant believe how big she is getting. She deffinatly is a cutie pa tutie. Are you guys gonna be able to make it to the family reunion this summer?? I hope so i really want to meet Brooklyn. Well let me know

Meg said...

She is so adorable!!! Thanks for finding us; I had a Christmas card ready for you, but John never managed to call Greg and get your address =). Glad to see that things are going well. We'll be sure to keep you posted on Ethan.