The Mr. & Mrs.

The Mr. & Mrs.

Little Miss #1

Little Miss #1

Little Miss #2

Little Miss #2

The Little Mister

The Little Mister

Friday, July 5, 2013

May Adventures

So I am always going to be playing catch up, but for the sake of printing out blog books I don't want to miss anything! May was super busy and went by so fast!
The girls have enjoyed a few movie nights together,
 and a few early morning swing sessions. 
 At the end of March, we decided to dig up our backyard and make it more kid friendly. 
 It was full of rocks and weeds-definitely not an ideal backyard.
 After a few weeks of tilling, digging, and raking we finally had all of the weeds dug out and rocks hauled out. 
 It was already looking better than before!
 Every week we had 2 t-ball games to go to. Brooklyn loved playing!
 One game was so exciting, a little girl decided to lay down and take a little snooze in the middle of the game.
 Apparently wearing your hat backwards shows how serious you are about t-ball.
 We made cookies for FHE. Bostyn was finally interested in helping,
 and of course taste testing.
 Lucky for us, we had lot and lots of pretty spring flowers to pick.
 Love these two!

 It is so fun being able to drive a few miles up to the lake to walk around and explore!

 Brooklyn just modeling in her princess chair. This girl loves the camera!
 Bostyn loves wearing shoes, especially dress up shoes.
 So cute!
 By the end of May, and after hours and hours of raking and leveling we were finally ready to plant grass seed!
 Our yard looked a lot bigger once we got the rocks and nasty weeds out of there.
 One day while we were working in the yard, Greg and Brooklyn caught a frog in the garage.
 The girls loved it.
 But we decided to let him be free.
 Brooklyn had been begging to go camping in the front yard with her dad, but it would rain every weekend they wanted to do it! So we decided to improvise and make S'mores over the stove instead.

 Bostyn just loves the marshmallows

After bath time to clean of the S'mores, these two camped out in the living room instead. Greg is such a good dad, and always tries to do fun things for the girls. 
 Mother's day with my two bff's.
 Best present ever!!
 For our turn for playgroup we went to our landlord's little farm to see her baby goats.
I LOVE her barn!

 All of the kids had so much fun petting and feeding the goats.
 We were lucky enough to see these cute little babies that were born the night before.

 They were so cute and tiny.

 The girls love coming out to "Nancy's farm" and seeing all of her animals.
 The best shot we could get of the kids together, they were all busy running a million different directions the whole time!
 Before t-ball we came early to play at the park. Bostyn loves doing everything that Brooklyn does.

 Bostyn LOVES to swing!

 During most of the t-ball games this is where you would find Bostyn. She is obsessed with little chairs her size.
 While we were entertaining Bostyn during the game, we saw this cute momma duck and all of her babies running around. 
 Up to bat! It was amazing to see how much all of the kids improved as the season progressed.
 I just love this cute picture of her team.
 See? She loves shoes, a girl after my own heart.
 Love my girls!
 At the end of May, we all met in LaGrande to see Jake get ordained as an Elder in preparation for his mission. Afterwards we all went to the park for a picnic. 

 Bostyn loves being able to climb up and go down the slide by herself.
 Papa and Bostyn
 One morning while Bostyn was napping, Brooklyn and I had a mini photo shoot. 
She is growing up waaaay too fast!

 She is such a good sport and always willing to model so I can practice taking pictures.
 A few days after those pictures, we had a huge snow storm! This is what we saw when we woke up one morning.
 The snow kept coming down all day long. We had over a foot in our yard!
 Brooklyn thought it was awesome and couldn't wait to go outside.

 After Bostyn's nap they both geared up and went out to play in all of the snow.

 We have such a great view of the mountains from our front deck.
 Then a few days later, the snow was gone and it was warm enough to eat cookies on the deck and get filthy doing it!
 I have been loving all of these beauties blooming all over the place!
 On Memorial Day we headed up to the cemetery to visit Grandpa Baxter's grave.
 As we were driving around Enterprise we just so happened to pull into the cemetery right as the 7 Gun Salute was about to begin so we stopped to watch.

 I always love watching these memorials, and am so grateful to be an American.
 Brooklyn loves reading to Bostyn. She will always say "Bostyn bring me your book, I'll read it to you." Then they both climb up on the couch and read books together. 
 Bostyn is always on the go. She never sat still at any of Brooklyn's t-ball games.

 One of her last games!
 She decided to sit and watch from a distance.
 Love them!
 Her hair is finally long enough for 2 cute little pony tails!

 I might be biased, but I think she is adorable!
 Last t-ball game of the season!
 Brooklyn LOVED playing  t-ball and making new friends. 
Grandma Karen gave Brooklyn a bird feeder for our tree. I filled it up and had it ready for the birds, then we look outside and Brooklyn is whacking it making all of the seed fly out, all the while Bostyn is laughing hysterically.
 By the time we saw what they were doing, they had emptied the whole thing!

So there is May in a nutshell! Super busy, but super fun!


Karen said...

Awesome family. Awesome little girls. And no, I am not biased!