The Mr. & Mrs.

The Mr. & Mrs.

Little Miss #1

Little Miss #1

Little Miss #2

Little Miss #2

The Little Mister

The Little Mister

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Disneyland Adventures Day 3- Back to Magic Kingdom

Our third day we headed back to Magic Kingdom! On our way inside we were lucky enough to see Snow White walking through and she stopped long enough to take a quick picture.
 We made our way over to Autotopia and Bostyn had her first experience driving the race car!
 It was so bright and hot, but she loved it!
 Love these two guys!

 Thanks to Greg running ahead to snag tickets, we didn't have to wait too long before we could see Anna and Elsa!
 These girls were SO excited to meet them, and they even had their Frozen outfits on too!
 I love how they stood their holding hands, and I loved how much Anna and Elsa interacted with the girls.
 So stinking cute!
 Of course we always have to get a family picture too! Kingston sure was smitten by Elsa.
 He is going to be quite the ladies man someday.
 Brooklyn and Bostyn really didn't want to say goodbye to them.
 But seeing Rosetta and Tinkerbell made up for it.
 Brooklyn has the best smile!
 Bostyn looks so cute and little here.
 They both loved seeing Tinkerbell.
 Kingston was seriously so good throughout the trip!
 You can't go to Disneyland without getting the famous smoked turkey leg. The girls loved it just as much as Greg did.

 While we were waiting in line for something, Eeryore happened to lean over and give Brooklyn a hug. She was so happy!
 We were super busy all day long! The good thing about going multiple days, is that you don't have to constantly be taking pictures all day every day! But Brooklyn did catch a quick picture of us when we got back to the hotel to show off our cool shirts I made!
Time to get ready for our last day at California Adventure!